Why Jumping Straight Into the Action Doesn’t Always Pay Off
There’s a technique that commonly circulates among writers that boils down to
this: Plunge the story straight into action
Minority Report And The Flaws Of A Perfect System
One of the more fascinating movies of the early 2000s was Steven Spielberg’s
cyberpunk noir thriller, Minority Report. Starring
Ad Astra Soars But Crashes And Burns
After Endgame came out earlier this year, I didn’t have my eye on too many
movies afterwards. I have
What’s The Big Idea With Joker?
If I asked you what the first word would be that came to mind when thinking
about Heath Ledger’s
Cobra Kai is the best TV show of the year
For a month or two I saw snippets of advertisements for what appeared to be some
kind of Karate Kid
How to Make Memorable Villains
There is a common complaint levied against the Marvel Cinematic Universefilms which is that most of the villains featured in